Sunday, January 13, 2008

You MIGHT be the parent of a two year old if.......

If you've ever had a whole can of Quaker Oatmeal poured all over your kitchen and family room floor in the time it takes to fold a load of might be the parent of a two year old.

( side note: Why is it a child is quick to tattle on another for looking at them funny, but when a child is pouring the contents of a new oatmeal can on the floor, no one thinks to say a word to mom? This, kids, is one of those times when tattling is perfectly justified. )

If you've ever had your kitchen rugs thrown into a pile so as to not hinder the moving of the kitchen chair to the counter in order to find the candy might be the parent of a two year old.

If you've ever had a baby look like this thirty minutes into their normal two hour might be the parent of a two year old.
I have a new motto:
Will trade two year old for chocolate cheesecake.


AZ Karen said...

I am delighted to say I am NOT the parent of a 2 year old. My favorite 2 year old moment was when my friend's daughter found some baby powder in my house and was jumping up and down shaking it out and yelling, "it's snowing, it's snowing!"...which it looked like all over my bedroom. My friend was furious...I just laughed...wasn't my 2 year old, after all.

Lee said...

ROFL. I am so sorry, but that is hilarious!

shauna said...

At least the oatmeal wasn't cooked! Nothing worse than oatmeal cement.

I thought you already tried selling the two year old. I guess you had no buyers. The market must be slow. Try renting him.