Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I would imagine

that the looptape of a two-year old's idea of a knock knock joke would go a little something like this:

2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "nana"
me: "nana who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "nana"
me: "nana who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "orange"
me: "orange who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "nana"
me: "nana who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "Boo"
me: "Boo who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "nana"
me: "nana who?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "Who's there?"
2 year old: "knock knock"
me: "knock knock who?"
2 year old: "Who's there?"
me: "I don't know. Who's there?"
2 year old: "knock knock"

me: initiate distraction and redirection tactics


Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I'm hitting my head against the wall just reading that. LOL Too cute when they're trying their first jokes.

Lorena said...

Um yeah, I would have been done a long time before that. You are such a generous and patient Mom...I could learn so much from you!

Kyle Is Neat said...

I've had this same conversation with my kids... funny