Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm ALIVE!!!!

Has it really been since June that I last posted an entry here? Good grief. That's like a whole season of Survivor.

But, I have an excuse. I've been busy fighting to get our country back on track. Aside from attending the multiple rallys and townhalls, I was also appointed as a precinct committeeman. I'm committed to leaving our country the way our founding fathers intended it to be....for my children.

Aside from that, I've been busy with other things. Two kids had birthdays. Two kids started school. Two kids constantly torment each other. Most recently, dealing with a two year old in a body cast from his broken femur. (Post to follow)

But, thought I'd let you know I was still alive and well. I have a lot of catching up to do.


Lee said...

WOW!! You are quite the busy lady! I am so excited for you.

Jana said...

Good to know! Miss ya gal!