I mentioned before that Jack had to get stitches. I mean, what is summer without stitches or casts? It's as normal as flip flops and a lemonade stand.
I just would prefer it happened to other people and not to me.
This is what I get to wear for the next six weeks:
Who knew putting laundry away was so dangerous?
See, this is what happens when you put off going to the Doctor for three months after the initial injury ignorantly thinking that if I just keep it wrapped and take some Advil that it will eventually all go away. I guess tendon tears don't necessarily "go away" as easily as I thought it would.
The picture on the right is my "normal" ankle. The one the left is my injured one. Most of the injury is right above the ankle and it's probably hard to tell but it's a little swollen. ( Plus it looks like the camera added about ten pounds. )
So yesterday, I finally made it in to see a specialist. After ten seconds, the Doctor suspected one of those "itis" words. You know.....arthritis, bronchitis, meningitis, and the common symptom found in children called I'm-not-eating-that-itis. Luckily it was just "tendonitis".
After the x-ray didn't show any breaks, I then went in for an ultrasound. Now, I'm no expert at ultrasounds obviously since I couldn't tell my in utero baby's toes from their nose but it probably doesn't take a genius to know that a big black spot where your tendons are might not be such a good thing.
I remarked to the ultra-sound tech, "Uh....that doesn't look normal."
He asked why I thought so.
I said, "Well, it doesn't look like a baby that's for sure!"
He began to measure the tear and told the Doctor what he found. A bunch of medical mumbo jumbo ensued and I remember thinking I should take mental notes because I knew my dad was going to ask me what they said. But they lost me at posteromedial. Then I heard, "So, it's not as bad as it COULD be then."
I made sure to remind the Doctor that I had four kids under seven at home so my treatment needs to be realistic. He said that ideally, he should put me in a cast.
Cast = not an option
Plan B?
Plan B is a brace along with anti-inflamitories and ice. Again, ideally, I should put ice on it four times a day. Realistically, he said he would be happy with twice a day for twenty minutes. I can do that. It will give me an excuse to read.
I've worn it for the last day and so far I have a different pain than I've had for the last three months. I'm hoping that means it's fixing the problem. I want to get back to wearing my flip flops again before it starts to cool down to the 90's.
OUCH! That really stinks...although not as badly as a cast would've (hee hee). Congrats on talking them out of the cast.
Yeah, this is why I avoid laundry altogether.
Dang - that's no fun. I hope you get better soon!!
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