Monday, August 25, 2008



does EVERY prime time channel have to be covering the Democratic National Convention?

And whose brilliant idea was it to start the convention the day after we've already been subjected to two weeks of Olympic coverage? I'm thinking that can't be a good way to win votes. Unless, of course, the convention is like a one week "Survivor" series where they throw people like Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Gore, Reid, Rosie O'donnell and anyone related to a Kennedy on a deserted island with Al Franken as the host and see which one comes up on top.........then I might be interested.

I read about a new tv show coming this fall called "America's Toughest Jobs". Somehow I don't think television programming is one of them.

Never, EVER underestimate the power of the Nerd Herd vote.


Anonymous said...

oh, I would SO watch a convention like that. LOL

KAT said...

I agree!

AZ Karen said...

Our T.V. must be a republican because suddenly, today, all the network channels aren't working. It's revolting against the onslaught!

I guess I should be glad I have to go to an open house at the school about tomorrow...

Kyle Is Neat said...

I was thinking, I haven't actually sat down and watched TV for months... writer's strike, reality crap, reruns, Olympics, DNC... why am I even paying for this??

Anonymous said...

LOL!! And I love this post, you should write in and request the DNC do that ;)