Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Like Father, like son....

I've discovered something about my boys. They are A LOT like their dad.

Here's a few things that I've noticed:

Dad: Engineer
Jack and Erik: Future Engineers

Dad: Can sleep anywhere, anytime

Jack and Erik: Can sleep anywhere, anytime

Dad: His keen fashion sense
Jack and Erik: Their keen fashion sense

Oh wait. That's the Mad hatter. Not my husband. But you get the idea.

But those are just a few. Aside from the obvious inherited blue-eyes, blonde hair, and big second toe, I've noticed another similarity that my boys share with my husband. One that still has me wondering if it is a learned behavior or hereditary. Maybe it will skip a generation? All I know is that my husband's dad and his brother do the same thing.

I'll show you what I mean and see if you can guess what it is....

Oh wait.....this one is from the teacups ride. Nevermind.

Figure it out yet?

If you guessed the thing they do with their would be correct. I usually can catch them doing that "tongue thing" as I affectionately call it, when they are focused on something intently. Not always, but most of the time. It's pretty funny. And pretty freaky that both of my boys do it too.

What would be a habit that my daughter picked up from me?

Hair twirling.

I guess I'm glad she just does the hair twirl. If she did that AND the tongue thing, she'd probably look pretty silly.


Rachelle said...

Totally like father like son. Your boys are so stinking cute!

Pamela said...


smart mama said...

ok we have the same thing at our house- those engineer genes must be dominant--

Andrea said...


Alicia said...

LOL! The tongue thing is too cute!

Vanessa said...

That is super cute!

Jane said...

So cute!

Kermit~the~Frog said...

Such a fun post! My kids change with each year--some years they look like me, some years they look like their dad. Only time will tell.

Amber said...

I saw that Mad Hatter Pic and thought "Wow! That is a FABLOUS costume!" ROFL.