Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A tale of two teethies

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......

Either way you want to look at it, my baby has teeth. And if you have ever nursed a child, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, then the rest of this entry will probably be way more information than you really wanted to know.

I've known it was coming for a few months now. First there was the constant drooling. Oh the drooling! Who knew one little creature could drool so much!? We could always tell where he had been because he always left a snail trail of drool around the house. Then there were the irritable evenings and fevers. Then there was that first time. Those of you who know, already know what I'm about to say. I sense you cringing just at the thought.
There's that first time which comes when you least expect it....



That scream, by the way, will scare the bee-jee-bees out of your 3 year old who is sitting next to you.

Let me explain what the next few seconds are like for those who have no clue what I'm talking about. As you sit there wailing back and forth mumbling some kind of inaudible naughty words, the child suddenly develops lock jaw. Nothing and I mean nothing seems to loosen the grip.
And the pain! This shooting pain starts around the chest area and travels to your toes hitting every nerve on the way down. One day, my husband came close to understanding what it feels like. I heard him screaming like a baby so I looked over to see our little "munch"kin using his leg as a chew toy and pulling his leg hairs out at the same time.
That's pretty close.
Two teeth have now become four. We've affectionately nicknamed him Spongebob. Still nursing too. Masochistic? Probably. I have had to come to the understanding that I nurse at my own risk. I just hope that the twitching jitters I get everytime he nurses will go away once he weans. I would hate to think that they are permanent. Unlike my sagging body parts which I'm pretty sure are.....permanent.


emlouisa said...


Mini-man bites too...not cool.

emlouisa said...

by the way, if you remove some of the letters in your
"eeeoooouuuuccchhh!!!!!" your profile will come back to the top. :)

Feel free to delete this. Just wanted you to know if you couldn't figure it out!

lackrik said...

Hey thanks Em! LOL! I was wondering why the heck that happened! :)

Andrea said...

I felt that!!! I swear labour is the only thing worse then that!! So no looking forward to doing it again.

Stacy said...

After three boys I have not (knock on wood) had this horrific experience! How did I avoid it? I wish I knew so that when I come to that stage in my life again I will know what to do... besides sharing the knowledge with ANY and EVERY woman I meet!

Rachelle said...

I got one bite and it almost killed me. Luckily (and part sad too) Cam weaned himself around the same time, so I only got the one bite. I feel for you, I do.

Pamela said...


My 2nd dd was biter but my 3rd hasn't ever even tried. Good Luck, thankfully its just a phase.

ShelahBooksIt said...

I'm so sorry. Those bites suck. Worse than the sucks.

Jane said...

Oh I remember that pain. My 2nd ds got his first tooth at 4 months...but we stuck it out for another 14...After a few times of me yelling OWWWWWWWWWWWW! he got the message and didn't bite me very often.

Your ds is so cute btw!

Lei said...

Oh my, you have me reliving it right now! Good luck!!!

Alicia said...

This is when your kid not getting any teeth until 10+ months is a great and wonderful thing.