Saturday, January 03, 2009

Things to remember for next Christmas

1. Pay someone a million dollars to cut out the toys from their obnoxious, over-kill packaging.

2. If no one takes me up on my million dollar offer, be sure to at least wear gloves and keep naughty words to a minimum.

3. Don't put out my cute, breakable Christmas decorations.

4. Teach Ian that glass ornament balls are not to be used for throwing.

5. Buy more ceramic glue to fix said broken decorations.

6. Hide fudge from Erik.

7. Outside lights really aren't a necessity. Candles in the front windows work just fine.

8. The kids don't like mint flavored hot chocolate. Freaks of nature.

9. Karaoke machine from Craigslist = huge hit. Must buy more CDs

10. Ignore Christmas etiquette by leaving decorations up past Valentine's Day.


Company EIGHT said...

great list! Oh, and I totally agree with #8--not liking mint hot chocolate? Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my mint hot chocolate? I just had some yesterday YUMMY!! And as far as decorating most of our ornament balls ended up on our desk b/c Samantha kept picking them off the tree like apples. Needless to say we barely had any ornaments on our tree.

Lorena said...

All good suggestions. But even better is to kindly suggest to your children that they don't need toys, just books, movies, video games, and clothes. They're still young enough to be impressionable and comply.