Monday, May 05, 2008

What's that thing called?

Don't you just love that my child can dress himself! It's such a shame that the only person outside of his immediate family who gets to see his mini self-dressing accomplishment every day is the afternoon bus driver.

( And stop looking at his drink already. It IS some of my diet Coke so let's just move along.....)

So, Erik pointed to my eyebrows the other day and said that he knew what they were called.

"Wow! Really? What is it?"

They're called "Eye Brownies"

Mmmmmm......... Brownies.........


AZ Karen said...

Funny kid. Hannah used to call them 'eye bowns'. I like brownies more

Anonymous said...

mmmmm... brownies....

AZ Karen said...

Hey Lisa, Have Kirk check out this blog (and then tell his siblings about it)
Me and a couple of other girls are trying to organize a seminary reunion and want to let everyone possible know about it.


stockstalker said...

Karen.....I forwarded the link to Kirk!

Kyle Is Neat said...

my son puts his underwear and pants on backwards after he uses the pottie - it can't be comfortable!

Rachelle said...

What a cutie!