Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Anyone seen a brain around here?

I've discovered over the last 5 years or so that if you choose to have children, you also must understand that a few brain cells will be lost in the process. I'm not quite sure WHEN this happens. Maybe it is biological. Maybe it begins at conception or during labor. Maybe it's chemical. The laundry soap? Smelling too many nasty diapers? Maybe it's mental caused by constantly having to repeat myself. Heaven knows I talk like a blabbering fool sometimes. Heck, I'm lucky if I remember my children's names anymore.

All I know is that back in the day, I could keep a mental note of things to do in my head. Not to brag, but I could remember probably up to 20 things at a time that needed to be done. I was effecient, organized and driven. Now, I can't even remember if I brushed my teeth. And the only thing driven is my daughter when I take her to school. Just loading the dishwasher becomes a long, drawn out ordeal that goes something like this:

1. Open dishwasher
2. Stop to wipe baby's face
3. Remember daughter needs to get dressed for school
4. Smell something coming from baby
5. Diaper change
6. Take diaper to garbage but it is overflowing
7. Take out garbage
8. Notice a child dragged in sand from the sandbox
9. Get broom and sweep floor
10. Forgot to put another bag in the garbage can
11. See checkbook on counter and remember a bill is due
12. Write check
13. Lunch time
14. Make sandwiches
15. Clear lunch table and put dirty dishes in the sink.
16. Remember what it was you started doing in the first place

So, I've learned I need to make lists. You'll find these lists all over the house because I forget where I put the last list. I make lists for things like groceries and cleaning. I make reminder lists like when my daughter's snack day will be or her upcoming fieldtrip and a sub-list as an extra reminder that she needs to bring a sack lunch and money. I have my "to do" list for things like finding a babysitter and paying bills. I've even mastered what paper works best for my "lists." While I like the sticky post-it for short term things that need to be done, I have a pad of 4 X 6 paper that I find works best for those long "to do" lists.

The word must have gotten out about my great list making skills because I'm now the Secretary in the Relief Society Presidency doing, you guessed it... I make lists. Lists of the women, lists of birthdays, lists of who is pregnant, lists of who needs compassionate service, lists of email addresses, lists of who is teaching and lists of schedules.


What was my point? Oh yeah....... How I've lost a few brain cells.

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